The Nymph and the Sleeping Villagers

The song continued to fill every corner of the forest that wherever Olivia walked, it was loud and clear. Olivia attempted to locate the origin of the voice, but it was to no avail. The forest ran endlessly like a labyrinth without walls. Before she knew it, she realized she was trapped in a spell that was meant to keep wanderers away by making them hopelessly lost.

"Mezolas, are you able to dispel this illusion spell?" Olivia asked her familiar.

"My apologies, my Lady. I am only capable of overcoming lesser illusion spells. This one is no work of humans, but a spell to shroud the living grounds of the others that inhabit the forest," replied the eye of nightmare.

"The others?"

"The land of the fairies who fall prey to the dark creatures. I conjecture that the reason for their multiplication is correlated with the fairies' presence."

"Are we stuck here forever?"

"Fear not, my Lady. There is a way out." Mezolas sounded confident. "Find one fruit bearing tree and eat of its produce. It will give you power to overcome the spell."

Olivia continued walking in search a fruit bearing tree. When it seemed almost impossible to find one, a single fruit tree bearing large apples appeared in her path. She reached out to take its fruit and ate it. This gave her vision to see the tall bushes before her that had a white wooden door.

Olivia hesitated before opening it. She waited for sound advice from Mezolas, but none came. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Behind it was a world different from theirs. She saw creatures large and small that might have belonged in a fairytale. Creatures with wings, some with peculiar horns, others resembling tiny humans... They dwelled serenely underneath the trees with silver and golden leaves. She examined a leaf and found that they were indeed made of the precious metals. Whenever the wind blew, they produced a chime-like sound that echoed.

Olivia hid behind bushes to avoid meeting other creatures. She ventured deeper into the fairyland in search of the one who took all the villagers. As she continued her search, she chanced upon a large tree under which slept the kidnapped villagers. They were unchained and left to rest peacefully on the ground.

Olivia reached out her hand to touch one sleeping person, but she was spotted by a beautiful young maiden covered in roots and flowers.

"Indeed you are one who does not belong here," said the maiden when she laid eyes upon Olivia.

"Are you the witch that abducted these people?" Olivia inquired.

"Nay, I am no witch, but a wood nymph! Pray tell me how you were able to enter here. Are you by chance a sorcerer?"

"I am no sorcerer, just a girl in search of these missing villagers."

She caught sight of Mezolas and appeared utterly displeased. "How could you bring such a vile creature into our abode? Leave at once!"

"Watch your tongue, nymph. It is you led the whole village here with your singing voice. The vile one is none other but you!" Mezolas snapped. Olivia feared that he would go on another roasting spree and get them both in deep trouble.

"Foolish eye, such accusations you throw at me! I am neither a witch nor am I vile. I am but rescuing these humans. In here, they shall be safe from harm."

"Safe from what?" Olivia was confused.

"Did you enter this forest without knowing? Bring me he who causes these sweet villagers to die and you shall have them back. Their flowers are of importance to those who dwell here."

The nymph allowed them safe passage back to the entrance.

"The nymph said she is protecting the villager, but the man said she eats them. What exactly is happening?" Olivia was confused.

"Forgive me, my Lady, for I am not a floating lie detector," Mezolas replied.

Olivia stepped out of the door to the fairyland and walked out of the forest. She needed more details before making a choice. Once back at the empty village, she saw a very familiar face standing beside the man from earlier.

"That's her!" said the man, pointing at Olivia.

"I was told that there was a summoner who passed here and witnessed this happening. I didn't think it was you." Adrian Icarus was dressed splendidly in his union leader uniform of black and red.

"I didn't expect you to come all the way here. Isn't this usually a job for the other members?"

"We're short on people right now. This job was assigned to the Belaria twins, but they normally need someone to oversee them for this level."

"Where are they?"

"They went inside to scout for clues, but I believe you already have the answers we're looking for."

Olivia sighed. "I bring only confusion."

"Tell me all you know."

Olivia glanced at the lone villager. "First, I need more details from this man."

"From me?" The man was surprised. "What do you need to know?"

"Tell me more about this Willow."

"I've told you everything I know. She is a dark spirit disguised as a human who eats villagers. She always appeared whenever I gathered wood."

Olivia was deep in thought. Maybe the nymph isn't Willow?

Adrian leaned against a tree and folded his arms. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

"I know where the villagers are, but the one keeping them said to bring 'he who causes them to die' in exchange for them," said Olivia.

Adrian paused to think. "Look for the Belaria twins in the forest. Maybe they discovered something."

She nodded and went back inside the forest to search for the twins. She remembered the illusion trap near the door to fairyland.

"We need to catch up with the Belaria twins. They might get caught in the illusion trap," she told Mezolas.


Meanwhile, the Belaria twins tired themselves out from walking in circles. Every part of the forest looked the same and everywhere they went only got them even more lost. There were almost ready to accept their fate of being trapped in the forest forever and never tasting Shina's pumpkin pies ever again.

From the distance, they saw a red cloaked figure in an olive-green dress approach them. The figure held a large scythe and was followed by a tentacle monster. The Belaria twins feared for their lives.

"It's the grim reaper!" shouted Ama.

"We're going to die!" followed Coura.

They screamed and cried out in despair. When Olivia approached them, they immediately stopped.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Olivia! You saved us!"

"What a kind soul!"

The twins hugged Olivia when she found them. When Mezolas floated nearby, he also got pulled into the group hug by the twins and just went along with it, wrapping his dancing tentacles around the three females. She had them take a bite from the apple she had with her. This allowed them to see through the spell.

"Amazing!" Coura gleamed.

"Olivia, you're so smart!" Ama was also just as merry.

"Actually, it was Mezolas who gave me that info." Olivia didn't want to take all the credit.

"Mezolas, you're amazing!" The twins gathered around Mezolas.

"Little humans, you flatter me so," said Mezolas as his tentacles wriggled happily.

"Now then, did you find anything strange here?" asked Olivia.

"We saw a pretty lady and tried to follow her. Then, we got lost," replied the twins. "She went that way." Each twin pointed at a different direction. They were both troubled. "That way." They tried again and still ended up pointing at different directions.

"Uhh... We can go look for her together." Olivia smiled awkwardly.

"OVER THERE!" Both of the twins pointed at something behind Olivia.

When Olivia turned around, the lady ran away. Everyone chased after her.