
"You've returned exactly before dinner," welcomed Jenny to them when they arrived back to the mansion. Tatsumi smiled and happily went to the dining room. Rook followed him and felt his hunger after a job well done, all he needs to do is to gather the evidence. All he has now are circumstantial evidence that will prove the killer's identity. He has no solid evidence.

Minutes passed when Sari was still absent in the dining room. Hansel asked a maid to call her. The maid went upstairs to her room and knocked.

"Madam Sari, it's dinner time, the others are waiting," she called. But there was no answer. She knocked again, hoping maybe she heard it. Again, there was no response. The maid decided to call the others to inform them that Sari is not answering. The others looked at each other and went to Sari's room all together.

Hansel knocked Sari's door three times.

"Sari, open the door!"

No response. Doubt shrouded Rook's mind. He anticipated what may have happened. Hansel tried to open the door but the knob was locked from the inside.

"Bring me the duplicate key," he asked the maid. The maid grabbed the key from her apron pocket and gave it to Hansel who was seemed worried. He unlocked the door and slowly opened it. The whole room was dark and the lights were. Hansel slowly searched the light switch by his hand. He turns on the light, as the room revealed a big mystery.

Sari's body was cut in half. Her upper body was in her bedroom, bathed in blood. Her lower body was in the floor. Some of her internal organs were scattered on the floor. As Jenny witnessed such morbidity, she shouted in fear and remorse. Hansel's blood pressure bothered him and fainted. Gabriel was able to assist him before he goes down and called the ambulance.

"What's this?! Who killed her!" Rook said in his mind. Tatsumi closed his eyes after he saw the body. Nakahara went to the kitchen with the maid and started to throw up. Jenny was not able to take what she saw and started to weaken. Tatsumi quickly assisted her and took her away from the scene.

Rook quickly went to the nearest telephone and called the police and the ambulance. It was not long before they heard the siren of the ambulance. They carried Hansel on the ambulance and headed straightly to the hospital. Another ambulance arrived for the police officers. The doctor stayed in the mansion and waited for the police to come. The siren of the police car alerted the others in the mansion. Inspector Krauss and some forensics arrived in the mansion and went straightly to the crime scene.

Inspector Krauss almost never wanted to enter Sari's room but he was forced, even though he cannot stand the killer's way of killing the victim.

"Preserve the crime scene. Before you are going to carry the body, draw the body's location through the crime scene chalk. Search if the murder weapon is present and lastly, let the forensics check anything in the crime scene," he ordered.

"Ah, Doctor, please check the body. See if we can trace anything from it," he turned to the doctor.

"Yes Inspector. But as I can see to this victim, she suffered blunt force trauma first," the medical doctor replied.

"Okay, check her in the forensics lab. By the way, please tell Coroner Sierra to take some photos of the body before and after checking it."

"Yes sir…"

"Is it possible for us to join the investigation? This is really getting out of hand. We want to help," Rook pleased. Krauss thought that perhaps the first time he saw the boy, he was playing detective, but he saw an internal fire in the young boy's eyes. It was the same eyes and intention he felt when he met the young boy's father.

"Just don't throw up," Krauss replied and asked the doctor to guide him. The doctor was rather wondering why, but he knew that there must be something about the boy for him to join the investigation at such a young age.