Chapter 4: The Light


The minute that word left Circe's lips her world exploded. All she could see was light. For what seemed like ages She couldn't move. It was almost like she was floating weightless suspended. Nothing had any meaning anymore. All that mattered was the light swallowing her whole.

If there had been anybody around to witness Th beginning of Circe's transcendence they would've been hard-pressed to put the words exactly what they saw. A quiet field, the Fireflies dancing, And then a flashing blinding light spearing up into the heavens towards the stars originating from the ground in the center of the field. If they had been looking at the pillar closely perhaps they would've seen Circe's glowing body floating upwards through the pillar of light. Or perhaps not.

Frank happed to wake and look out the window of his chambers in the old house just as the light pillar reached its brightest. It seemed to Light the entire world. But it was a strange world with no shadows. The light so bright, it out shone even the sun. As he watched the pillar in the field constricted seemingly getting even brighter as it thinned out. When it reached the thickness of the chains he used to keep Circe captive It shattered bursting into billions of tiny light particles that slowly died away back into darkness. Almost fluttering down to the ground like dying embers in the air. Frank however didn't see past the explosion. His retinas exposed to a light that couldn't be described and it blinded him.

Circe lost all sense of time as she drifted weightlessly through the light. There was no sound smell or feeling to distract her from the nothing that was the light. It was almost as if she wasn't even there. Where ever there was.

After what Could've been hours, days, or Millenia Circe noticed that the light was beginning to change. A strange gold hue worked its way into the corners of the whiteness. Followed by a loud buzzing sound that seemed to surround her.

The light faded and the buzzing got louder and louder until her head felt as if it had been filled with sand and was pushed to its limits. Then, Blackness.

Suddenly she could move and in a quick motion she sat up opened her eyes and looked around. She was sitting in a mountain field filled with purple and gold plants. There was a vast endless natural landscape surrounding her. The mountains pierced the sky solid jagged spires touching the clouds. It was bright out but in a comforting way the sun caressing her skin instead of burning. more than likely it was late afternoon wherever she was. As she contemplated where she was she turned around a figure appeared and dread coiled in her belly.

Striding towards her was a man.