Chapter 14

Bernard woke up in an unfamiliar place and then all the events that had taken place hit him. He had was at Lucas's place at the farm. And he was married to that prostitute. He was exhausted, and he looked outside the window and realized that it was night time.

When he had cleaned himself up, he went downstairs to find Lucas cooking. "You are finally awake" as he smiled at him. "Yes. I slept like a baby. Where is Olivia?"

"She is in the bedroom." As he grinned. The way Lucas's face lit up when he spoke about her made Bernard upset. A woman like her didn't deserve someone like Lucas. She had been with many men and Lucas would just be a number to her but to Lucas, she would be his first.

"Stop thinking so hard and take a seat," Lucas said.

Bernard walks and sits by the counter whilst watching Lucas scurry around the kitchen and preparing the food. Shouldn't Olivia be the one that was making supper? He highly doubted that she would even be able to make a boiled egg.

"Why isn't your wife making supper?" he asked mockingly.

"She is tired, and we take turns. If I make food, she washes the dishes vice-versa."

"Shouldn't she be doing all that since you are the one that works."

Lucas had an exasperated look on his face. "I don't mind okay."

Bernard didn't care even if he gave him a million looks, he would talk about her until he didn't feel upset about the whole situation. He needs to get it out of his system.

Speaking of the devil. Olivia comes waltzing in the kitchen. She is stretching. He gritted his teeth. What was she stretching for? All she knew was how to lay on her back.

She walked to the kitchen and stood next to Lucas. "Can I help you with something?" She doesn't spare him a glance. Which was good because if she did, she would have met a very nasty face.

"No, I'm almost done. You can set up the table."

"Okay," she replies as she takes out the plates, cutlery, and serviettes. She goes to the living room and sets them. She comes back for glasses and some wine. The way she did it, you would think she was a proper wife except she wasn't. She was skilled in that department or profession. Bernard was determined to help Lucas open his eyes. When he finished cooking, he put it in a bowl and Olivia came and took half of the dishes to the dining room and Lucas came with the rest.

He followed behind and he sat across Olivia and Lucas sat at the head of the table. It was better this way. Rather than her sitting next to him, but it was still bad that he had to sit across her and look at her face. He would try being a polite guest.

Lucas closed his eyes to pray and Bernard followed. Before he closed his eyes, he saw Olivia pick up her fork and start to eat. "Amen," when he opened his eyes Olivia had eaten a portion of her food. Go figure that she wasn't a Christian. What was Lucas doing with her?

She didn't bother to close her eyes, but she carried on eating. How disrespectful he thought. He glared at her until she looked at him. He didn't hide his facial expression, so she could see how he truly felt about her.

Instead of being embarrassed or shy. She looked at him without blinking then she carried on eating. She didn't care for him and this enraged Bernard even more.

"How are you liking the food so far?"

"Your cooking is still the best," Bernard said to Lucas.

Olivia didn't say anything until Lucas spoke to her directly. "What do you think about the food?"

She swallowed what was in her mouth then she answered. "It's delicious."

Lucas grinned. "I'm glad that you are enjoying it."

Even if the food was disgusting, she had no right to complain as Bernard forked another spoonful into his mouth. How was he going to survive being here when he couldn't stand the essence of her?

He looked at her again and she stared right back at him. Her facial expression was showing that she didn't care that he was here or what he had to say about her.

She stood up when everyone was done eating and she took the dishes to the kitchen. He could hear the water running which meant she was washing the dishes and clearing up the kitchen.

"Would you like some tea?" Lucas offered.

"No thanks. I ate too much." Bernard replied.

They spoke to each and what new things they had discovered and what they hoped to achieve. Bernard had wanted to bring up the subject of him relocating back to the city. Yet he knew this wasn't the time for it. He would bring it up later. When they were in very high spirits.

"What about your gallery?"

"I sold it, but I will be supplying it with the artwork that I paint instead," Lucas replied.

"You did what? But why Lucas?" He was shocked that Lucas would do such a thing. What was he thinking?

"We had to move, and it would have been hard to maintain it since I live far. It was a fair bargain and I still get to sell my work there."

Bernard was at a loss for words. Why wasn't Lucas thinking? Obviously, it must have been that harlot's fault in the kitchen. He wanted to speak to her but just not now. He would have to do that later when he got a one-on-one opportunity with her. He would then give her a piece of his mind.