"I think we figured out just where the new base is located," Court announced. He took a bite out of the chocolate chip cookie he held and chewed. "We're going to need help on this."
"Court's right. By our calculations, they've gathered up at least forty percent of the creche children out there. And they weren't just going for potential containers," he added with a sour look.
"They got Paul and Morris already. With Paul, who knows what he was thinking," Court complained. He polished off his cookie with neat, quick bites. The little robot vacuum purred around his feet as it swept up the crumbs. "Isn't that right, Robby? Who's a good vacuum?"
"Anyways," Lucy said rolling her eyes. "Just who else is in there? I know they have Ella, but she's a hard nut to crack. Sphinxie isn't going to come out without a fight."
"But she will come out if the pressure is enough," Rena argued. "Everyone has a breaking point, and they have had her the longest."
Aarti and Leilani shifted on the sofa. Leilani was snuggled close to Aarti, blinking at them in curiosity. Aarti was flipping through another digital shopping site.
"You do know that they need an address in order to deliver anything, right?" Rena said, peeking at her screen. "You also need a credit card. Your mom will figure out where you are if you try for one."
"I know," Aarti sighed. She let her head fall back on the sofa, absently rubbing Leilani's head. "Maybe we should let her in on all this. You said we needed adult help, and if anyone qualifies, it'd be that hag."
"You shouldn't insult your biomom," Leilani chided. She looked over at Court and Lucy. "You should talk to the scary man in your head. He might be able to help."
Court and Lucy looked at each other, knowing just who Leilani was referring to. After a moment, Lucy gave a reluctant nod.
"When all's said and done, we're only fifteen. None of us have matured into what we're gonna be yet." Lucy sighed. "Let's face it. We're all vulnerable, especially with that stupid hat in the picture."
"Can you stop harping on that stupid hat," Aarti cried, exasperated. She sprung up from the sofa, stalking towards Lucy who only arched an eyebrow in response.
"Can you not have let some maniacal evil people steal a door opening device that no one can seem to track," Lucy retorted, putting her hands on her waist and leaning just a little bit forward.
Court bravely stepped in-between the two. Aarti and Lucy kept glaring at each other around his thin figure. Court kept shifting his position to block their view of each other. The sight had Leilani giggling and Rena biting her lip.
"Well, if you're going to invite adults to the party, then how exactly are you going to do it without all of us winding up in protective custody? Especially Court and Jebediah," Rena asked.
Aarti and Lucy froze.
"We were in a secret hideout. Couldn't we ask Dawnie just how we got out of there?" Aarti asked.
"Nope, don't remember," Dawnie chirped from a nearby sofa.
"How do you not remember?" Lucy asked before pausing and glaring at Leilani. "Leilani, do you remember when we had that talk about ethics?"
"Yes," Leilani said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not supposed to do anything without asking you first, unless it's about some grownup you don't like, and then I can do whatever I want."
"Precisely!" Lucy said. She shrugged defensively at the looks the others gave her. "It's good advice! You should all follow it."
"Not to be a killjoy or anything, but do you remember any of it, Leilani?" Rena turned towards the younger girl.
"Well," Leilani put a finger to her temple. "Nope…all I remember is: scary man, run, run, run, ooh! Yummy chocolate chocolate chip cake with raspberry filling and crunchy chocolate frosting!" Leilani made a face. "How is Dawnie okay eating that? That's too much chocolate!"
"No such thing," Dawnie said around a mouthful of candy bar. She had an opened box of thirty-six sitting next to her that was half-empty.
"So that's where it went!" Lucy exclaimed. She and Aarti eyed Dawnie doubtfully. "You really didn't get sick eating that?"
"I thought you baked it as a lark," Aarti breathed. "Dawnie, you really put that in your mouth and chewed?"
"Inhaled," Dawnie corrected. "One of the best cakes I've ever eaten, and I've eaten a lot."
As the girls slowly absorbed that, Court and Jebediah pulled out a heavily written on and filled pair of whiteboard and corkboard. Court clapped to redirect their attention.
"Enough of Dawnie's absurdly destructive diet and back to the matter at hand," he said. He turned to Jebediah.
"By process of elimination, we can figure out how to contact that guy. It's not that hard," Jebediah added.
"Says the two walking computers," Lucy snarked. "Do you know how many criminals in Gotham and beyond have been trying to figure that out?"
"They're criminals, Luce. They're a bit limited in their viewpoint, and basically it's a frog in a well situation." Jebediah picked up a laser pointer and started outlining.
"We can figure this out because we don't have any preconceptions about who he might be." Court hurriedly explained when it looked like Lucy was about to explode.
"That's true," Aarti yawned. "Who really cares what they're up to? We only care about what WE'RE up to." She paused. "I wonder if anyone's fed my dog while I was gone."
"You want to feed him? Then let's find that hat." Lucy turned towards Court and Jebediah. "Instead of Mr. Scary, can we instead look for signs of where the base is?"
"Oh, we already found that. Can't get in with just us, though," Jebediah said as he wandered off towards the kitchen.
The girls turned their attention to Court who just shrugged.
"There's a reason we need the adults. Basically, we need some cannon fodder, and possibly someone who can commute my original sentence," Court added.