Try hypnosis

Li Lanni felt chills suddenly creep up her back and turned sharply. Why did it feel strange? She looked in a certain direction for a long while, trying to check for something or someone.

"What's wrong?"

Li Lanni averted her gaze. "It's nothing mom. I think I have been to this place before."

Li Yuming felt glad. So it was something good.

After walking on for a few meters, Li Lanni suddenly hugged her mother. "Mom, I love you very much."

Li Yuming was pleasantly stunned by the sudden shower of affection. "I love you too honey."

Li Lanni opened her eyes and scanned the area behind Li Yuming while still hugging her. Then she saw him. her reason for hugging her mother like that was to check out the stalker.

She racked her brains. If she was not wrong, she had seen this man before. He was speaking to Ji Feifei although she could not remember where and when she saw them.

It would be normal if they just met coincidentally today, but she was sure that he was stalking them. He must be harboring ill intentions. She was also sure that the first time she felt someone following them and turned, she vaguely saw a white scarf flash before her eyes before its owner completely disappeared behind a wall. If she was right, that could only be Ji Feifei. Why in the world would she be stalking her?

Her question was answered a few meters later. They were using a path with less people and the nearer they were to the hospital, the more deserted the streets became.

Perhaps Ji Feifei… wanted to hurt them.

"Mom, I'm getting tired. I have been taking walks frequently lately. Can we hail a cab?"

"Pfft. Now the sudden affection makes sense. My dear Lanni is still just like a child."

Because her daughter wanted to, Li Yuming happily hailed a cab. "Honey, about your school, can you do home schooling instead? No matter how you look at it, it's more convenient to have your own tutors at home. It will be easier to catch up and when you do, you can go back to school."

Li Lanni was still thinking about Ji Feifei and only heard part of what her mother was saying. "I don't think so."

"Why not? I'm afraid that in school, you might find it too hard." Actually, what she was scared about the most was that her daughter would be bullied. One had to know that many students had been jealous of Lanni before. So jealous that she had no friends. If they took advantage of her condition to bully her… her heart would break.

To prevent that, it wouldn't matter even if it cost much more to hire home-schooling tutors. As long as Lanni was safe.

The girl had thought about emigrating and in the end, she chose to stay in the country. Her reason was that if she went to an unfamiliar place before recovering her memory, she might feel scared.

For this matter, Li Lanni prefered to think when her mind was clear. There as too much going on at the moment.


In the hospital.

"Miss Li, is it? Before we start, I want to tell you a number. You should remember it by the end of the session."

"Okay. What's the number?"


"11?" Li Lanni was stunned. And here she thought it was going to be a huge number with countless digits. What did this doctor think she was, a two year old baby?

"I will ask you a few questions." The doctor ignored her shock.

"When did you wake up from coma?"

"Six weeks ago." She had been taking so many bitter pills that she couldn't forget even in her dreams.

"What's your name?"

Li Lanni couldn't understand. Was this a hospital or an elementary school? Nonetheless, she answered. She was the patient. "Li Lanni."

"Do you remember it that way, or did someone tell you?"

Li Lanni racked her brain. "It did feel like my name when I first heard it."

The doctor asked a few more questions that she found laughable before he asked, "I asked you to remember a number. What number was it?"



"Doctor, how is she this time?" Li Yuming asked when the doctor was done running tests on Li Lanni.

The elderly doctor looked like he was encountering something novel. His expression screamed, 'this is quite weird.'

Li Yuming got nervous. "Doctor, what happened?"

The elderly doctor adjusted his glasses with an awkward smile. "Don't worry. Miss Li is fine. However, her memory loss seems to have worsened."

He had told that girl to remember such a simple number as 11 but when he asked her, forget about recalling it incorrectly. She blinked innocently and asked him, "You asked me to recall a number? When was that?"

When he asked what they had talked about just now, she didn't seem to remember it either. Telling her something was like pouring water to the ground. It would disappear after just a few breaths.

"Ma'am, she seems to only be able to remember things that she finds significant. She will forget everything else. In this case, we will have to try hypnosis."

"Are there any risks?" This was the main point. If it would hurt her Lanni, then she would rather let her regain her memory on her own no matter how slow.

"I have never heard of hypnosis hurting anyone, at least not the patients I have treated. If it is not that bad, she should be able to remember most of her past after a few sessions. If you are ready, the first session can be now while she's still willing."