The drama unfolds

"Isn't it obvious? Some people made a counterfeit and dared to pass it off as the original. They are even so rude while at it. Isn't it so we can buy it quickly and leave before we find out It's counterfeit?"

"Miss, you cannot make such a blatant accusation. There were more bracelets like this made after the auction. Since we could get our hands on one, it's a fake?"

Li Lanni's lips twitched ever so slightly. "I don't know. But all I know is that this bracelet should be a century old. I wonder if the creator popped out of their grave to make more of it?"

"It's alright to sell counterfeit products since some people don't mind it. But by pretending they are genuine goods, aren't you committing a crime? I'm quite sure every piece of jewelry in here is fake."

"Miss, you cannot accuse our store like that. Do you have any evidence?"

Li Lanni swept a glance through the store. "I was distracted just now when we were looking around." She couldn't believe her friend almost got swindled under her watch. "Do you want me to scrutinize your goods? Let's bet on it. We can call an expert in this field as well as the police. If I'm accusing you falsely, I will let them arrest me and if you are selling fake goods, you will agree to be arrested. What do you think?"

Cheng Yu grabbed Li Lanni's hand, putting the jade bracelet on the counter and dragging her friend away. "That's enough. We found out it's counterfeit on time so I won't buy it."

"Have you bought anything from this store before?"

"Yes. I didn't know they were fake before but since I know it now, I will not buy anything here anymore."

Li Lanni shrugged her arm away. "Are you going to let her off for deceiving you?"

"What else am I supposed to do?" Cheng Yu slapped her forehead.

Li Lanni turned back and glared at the sales lady and sighed. "Never mind. It will simply waste our time."

Cheng Yu remained silent. For the first time, Li Lanni let go of something of this sort. Normally, she would have been sure to make them pay for it.

"It's just that I have better things to worry about at the moment." Li Lanni said, making Cheng Yu take back her thought.

On Monday.

Li Lanni had gathered all she could about Professor Marcus but she felt nervous.

This matter had just blown up in the school forum after all. It was likely to backfire on her if she didn't handle it with adequate care.

As expected, she was summoned by the dean before she had time to make her move.

"Li Lanni, you have been back to school for just a fortnight but you are quite famous already. What do you think the school is, your personal playground?"

The dean was a middle aged man with a slightly chubby face. The strands of red hair on his head were so thin and far apart that Li Lanni could clearly see his olive-colored scalp. This man possessed a scary aura that made people want to keep their distance.

Rumor had it that this man had worked his tail off for decades to be able to hold this position. It was no surprise that he particularly hated students he thought did not need to do anything and would get what they wanted anyway because they had powerful families backing them.

in his eyes, this Li Lanni was just one of them. If not, just how exactly did the chancellor agree to let a student who had supposedly lost her memory go back to school?

Although she was a top student before, surely that wouldn't be the case now since her brain was as good as an empty vessel.

When he put his spectacles aside to scan Li Lanni, she was inevitably intimidated.

"Stop this nonsense right away. Don't blame me for what happens otherwise."

"I'm sorry sir. But what I'm doing is not nonsense. I believe it's the school's duty to provide a suitable learning environment to the students. With a predator like this in disguise of a professor, how is this a suitable learning environment?"

"Tsk." The man sneered. I gave her a chance to back out while still maintaining her dignity, but she doesn't want it?

"Do you have evidence to support your words?"

"Yes." Li Lanni was confident.

"I see. Present your so called evidence in Conference room 101 this afternoon at 4pm. I believe you know the consequences of stirring up unnecessary trouble."

Li Lanni was sent off with this.

By this time, it was already too late to back out. It's not like she wanted to anyway.

Hence that afternoon, a meeting was held and Li Lanni was present. It was treated as a disciplinary case and handled by the disciplinary committee.

Several students wanted to know how the events would unfold and were peeking into the conference room, trying to watch the drama and stream it in the school forum at the same time. No one bothered to send them off since this was a matter that affected many students anyway.