Running into idiots

Running out of topics to talk about, Cheng Yu simply sat next to the lost in thought Li Lanni, trying to make her presence as scarce as possible.

She couldn't explain it, but the present Li Lanni was quite different from what she was like in the past. In the past, Li Lanni was a friendly little angel, smiling back at everyone who smiled at her and often hanging out with many of her friends.

The present Li Lanni, however, was too different. Not only did she not seem capable of keeping close friends, she was rather intimidating. She could emit a scary aura even when she was simply in her own thoughts.

But she couldn't blame her. After all, she had suffered a huge trauma and was now insecure about everything.


Li Lanni's phone chimed.

She took it and checked the new text message.

Her eyebrows pulled together before she placed the phone on the desk facing down and lifted her hands to massage her temples.

That kind of reaction… It wasn't hard for Cheng Yu to guess who had texted her. From the timing, she could pretty much guess the content as well.

"I suddenly feel hungry. Let's grab a snack outside school, shall we?" She spoke when she was calm enough to not detonate.

"Sure." Cheng Yu's eyes lit up. "There's a newly opened dessert shop near the school. I heard their cakes are especially delicious; the head chef is a former winner of the Dessert Master competitions."

"Then let's go. What are we waiting for?" Li Lanni stood up and took Cheng Yu's hand. She didn't particularly like desserts, but she didn't mind eating them once in a while when she was in a bad mood.

In the restaurant, the girls took the seats close to a window. The scenery from this spot was quite pleasing to the eye.

"What do you want to eat? I'm treating." Li Lanni looked at the girl opposite her.

"Ah… you don't have to." Cheng Yu felt embarrassed. She didn't like freeloading on others.

"It's alright. I'm in a good mood and I dragged you here so I should treat."

Cheng Yu glanced at the so called good mood and coughed. If this was the good mood, she would rather die than see the bad mood.

Still, she glanced at the menu in her hands. "Then I won't be overly polite."

Soon, their orders were taken and their desserts arrived just a few minutes later.

"How fast, huh?" Li Lanni drooled at the sight of the Russian tiramisu on her plate.

"Perhaps it's because they just started the business recently and they are yet to be too busy." Cheng Yu scooped a spoonful of her panna cotta and brought it to her mouth. "Ah – so sweet! No wonder they say that dessert is a definite reliever for stress."

After taking a bite of her tiramisu, Li Lanni had no objection against Cheng Yu's words. "As expected of a 'Dessert Master' champion."

Just as they were savoring the taste of their dessert and chatting more as their moods uplifted, the ultimate mood killer walked in. To be exact, two ultimate mood killers walked in.

"Lanni, you're here too?" The incomer was Ah Chen – and of course his sworn shadow Yu Guang wouldn't be stumbling far off.

"My queen, why didn't you tell me you wanted to eat dessert? I would order it for you from any restaurant you want; you wouldn't have to go through the trouble of coming all the way here."

"Yu Guang, what's wrong with you? Why won't you stop following me? What are you, my tail?" Ah Chen was incredibly annoyed by this fool who kept following him and ruining his chances.

"What tail? Even if I were a tail, I would only be Queen Lanni's tail."

Li Lanni: "I don't need a tail, thanks."

The young man leaped to her side. "Lanni, the next time you want dessert, how about you tell me? I'll buy anything you want."

"No thanks, really." Li Lanni's head was on the verge of exploding,

"Punk! Get lost!" Ah Chen admonished Yu Guang before making his way to Li Lanni. "You must be tired today. How about we have a meal together sometime? Maybe this weekend?" He was about to offer to pay for her dessert but he knew that Li Lanni would never agree to that.

Alas, even his reasonable request was rejected. "I'm busy these few days."

Ah Chen clutched his pierced heart.

Yu Guang gloated in his misfortune. "Hahaha… what made you think my queen would agree to go out with you? She can only go with me. Right, queen?"

Li Lanni stabbed her fork into her tiramisu in annoyance. "How did I manage to attract a pair of idiots just by eating tiramisu?"

Cheng Yu held a hand over her mouth and giggled. "Lanni, you do know they're still here, right?"

The dejected pair stumbled out just like they had stumbled in. Li Lanni heaved a huge sigh.

"You have so many admirers, Lanni. Keeping them off your hair is enough to keep you busy." Cheng Yu commented, looking at the retreating backs of the dejected pair.

"Not only do I have admirers, I have stalkers as well. Can't my life just be normal?"

Speaking of stalkers, it was as though they had made a prior agreement with her mouth. As soon as her words fell, her phone chimed.

"Please kill me already." Li Lanni cursed and, although she didn't want to check the text message, she knew it might be from someone else so she did.

[Enjoying your Russian Tiramisu? It does look sweet.] Li Lanni frowned, then another text message came in. [Just like you]

Li Lanni skimmed her gaze around the restaurant. There was no one in the vicinity who she knew.

She glanced at the previous message as well, the one she received while in the abandoned school building. [Well done.]

Her eyes constricted, then she glanced at the curious Cheng Yu. "Cheng Yu, I think I figured out who's been stalking me."