Eternal Valor

Li Yuming shot a sidelong glance glance at her daughter who was putting on an obedient act. "It would be best if you only did home schooling. I think my worst mistake was letting you go back to B City University."

When Li Lanni heard the words she had been dreading, her back went cold. This was not what she wanted! "Mom…" Her voice sounded lifeless and dejected.

"That's what I wanted to say. Go to your room now; remember to not stay up too late."

"You didn't listen to my opinion, mom." Li Lanni blurted. Home schooling would be boring to death. Not to mention, she was seeking her revenge against Ji Feifei and her first step was almost accomplished. How could she leave school at such a time?

No one needed to remind her what the main point was either. It was still alright if she left school once because of inevitable circumstances and returned later. But if she kept waltzing in and out like it was her own territory, wouldn't that ruin her reputation? She might not be able to go back later even if her mother relented.

Li Yuming stood up and pressed a button on the remote control to switch off the television. "When did I ask for your opinion?"

Li Lanni remained in a daze as Li Yuming left the living room and ascended the stairs to her room. Did her mother just say that? She didn't care what she thought about her own schooling option?

In the master bedroom, Li Yuming lay in her bed sleeplessly for a while before going to the study. She took out her art tools and started painting absent mindedly.

The best choice was ultimately emigrating. It would be enough to keep Li Lanni out of the trouble she was trying to bring upon herself. But since Li Lanni would obviously not agree to go no matter what, it was still alright if she didn't interact with the outside world too much.

She knew that it would hurt her feelings, but it was better than letting her run wild and get hurt again.

The next morning, Li Lanni soaked in the bathtub for a long time before making up her mind.

She opened the wardrobe and after staring at a set of her school uniform, she took it out and wore it. After checking her phone for messages, she took her bag and headed downstairs, where her mother was drinking a cup of coffee.

She withheld her nervousness and went over to hug her. "Mom, I'm going to school now."

"You haven't taken your breakfast." Li Yuming reminded expressionlessly.

"My friend asked me to have breakfast together in the university cafeteria." She said and hopped out before her mother could say a word more.

Until the car drove off, she didn't believe her mother had gone back on her own word and let her go.

The housekeeper standing beside Li Yuming couldn't believe it either. "Um, master, didn't you ask me to find the best teachers for miss Lanni's full time homeschooling? Why is she still going to school then?"

Li Yuming placed the empty cup on the marble table and picked a magazine from the collection the housekeeper had brought. "I don't think she will still seek trouble after what happened last night."

The housekeeper smiled slightly but said no more. The master just didn't want to admit that she was afraid Miss Lanni would be sad, right?

One had to know that the young miss was the only person Li Yuming was truly close to. She loved her more than her own life and she would do anything if it would bring a smile on the young miss' face. No one could blame her for that – for a child who grew up without a father, the best thing her mother could do was try to make sure she didn't feel the gap.

Too bad the young miss grew up to be carefree – a little too carefree for her own good.

In the school cafeteria, Li Lanni didn't have much of an appetite.

She barely took two bites before heading to the art building.

Cheng Yu was already in one of the classrooms, painting neat strokes with her brush. In the same room, Ji Feifei was also painting. Li Lanni couldn't help taking an extra glance at the contrasting pair.

Ji Feifei was obviously trying to look elegant even while painting. That was her main point and as for the picture she was painting, it was that of a vibrant and elegant woman; beautiful without any trace of a flaw.

Shifting her eyes to Cheng Yu's painting, she seemed to make a story out of it. It was a young woman too, but obviously not as pleasing to the eye as Ji Feifei's. However, there was something different. It was as though her misty eyes had come to life, and one could imagine the countless emotions in her eyes.

The contrast was obvious; while Ji Feifei was trying to impress the viewers with all the elegance and style, Cheng Yu was trying to express certain feelings and create a story out of the backdrop.

It wasn't hard for Li Lanni to think that one of the two had come into the room and started painting merely for the sake of outshining the other. And that person seemed to be Ji Feifei…

"Cheng Yu, that's beautiful. What is it called?" Li Lanni finally walked over after watching for a while.

Cheng Yu turned to look at Li Lanni and unconsciously used her body to block the painting. "Lanni, you're here. Are you going to check the details about the competition?"

Li Lanni held out a small box. "Why are you hiding it? It's very beautiful."

Cheng Yu blushed as she took the box from Li Lanni. "It is? I'm not that confident about it myself." Happy that someone liked it, she became even more invigorated. "Eternal Valor. That's the name."

Edited by Essy