Zero chances of winning

Ji Xiehan was yet to answer her question when his phone rang yet again.

"Sorry, I have to get this."

'Just great.' Li Lanni thought. Had this pervert planned this all out? To call her out for a meal in the name of having something to talk about only to keep postponing it? He even did it each time she thought he was finally going to speak.

That was so mean! Worst of all, her curiosity had been piqued to the max. She couldn't simply leave.

Li Lanni lamented a hundred times in her heart. How was this different from scratching one's itchy skin through a thick leather jacket?

Ji Xiehan hung up in less than half a minute.

"That was my assistant just now. There are documents that require my signature urgently."

"Do you need to go back to work, then?"

Ji Xiehan clearly detected the displeasure in her voice though she had tried to conceal it. He was suddenly tempted to act like he was really in a rush to go and use it as an opportunity to ask her out again.

However, he turned down this golden opportunity after thinking it through... and Qiao Luna was nearby anyway.

"I don't have to. My assistant is coincidentally nearby. She will bring the documents over in a while."


Qiao Luna didn't waste any time. She arrived within a few minutes.

As soon as she walked in, Li Lanni cast a glance over and her eyebrow involuntarily arched. This woman was Ji Xiehan's assistant?

She looked young, probably not many years over twenty, and she was quite beautiful too. Not extremely pretty but beautiful enough to make men want to be with her and women jealous of her.

Most important was her disposition, okay?

As soon as she arrived, she simply greeted Li Lanni politely and didn't waste a second more before turning to her boss. Her explanation was brief and precise and she had obtained the signature in a minute. From an outsider's point of view, this assistant was quite professional. She knew what to say so the outsider (Li Lanni) wouldn't feel like she had been left out deliberately, but at the same time she didn't reveal anything that was overly secretive.

That wasn't the main point.

Li Lanni felt, for a second, that it was lucky that Ji Xiehan was not married. Otherwise with this type of elegant beauty as a man's assistant, which wife wouldn't feel a tinge of insecurity?

Urgh, wait. She should have been focusing on the main point all this while. Why did she feel like she knew this assistant, like they had met before?

As soon as Qiao Luna was done, she packed up the documents and walked out, secretly stealing a glance at Li Lanni on her way out.

The boss had finally managed to ask miss Lanni out? A-mazing! " As expected of my boss." she mumbled.

Of course she knew who Li Lanni was. After all she had been assigned the task of reporting Li Lanni's moves as well as helping her out if she needed it.

No one knew it but Ji Xiehan had an interesting expression on his face. He knew quite a bit about women and there was something wrong with the way Li Lanni and Qiao Luna glanced at each other.

They wouldn't turn out to have some weird feud, right?


"About Star Art International..."

'Phew! Finally!' Li Lanni thought.

"All I wanted to point out is that Star Art International is the major sponsor for that competition."

"I would be a fool if I didn't know that."

Ji Xiehan was used to her venomous tongue and felt nothing of her remark. "While they are agreeing to take in the winner of the art competition as a trainee in their company, the truth is far much different from what it appears."

Li Lanni finally had a normal reaction. She was curious as she asked, "Why would you say that?"

"Feng Ji International is one of the major allies of Star Art International, and I have a few friends in their company too... so it's not surprising that I'm familiar with their strategies."

Li Lanni did not interrupt him though she wondered whether he was trying to help her out or flaunting his ability to make friends in every reputable company and institute.

"For this kind of thing, the whole competition is basically a pawn. They are only using it to gain immense fame when in real sense, all they want is to recruit the best artist from Hun He Art School. Not many people know this but Hun He Art School is a subsidiary of Star Art International.

This is just like a game of the emperor holding a contest to decide on his successor when the prince is secretly hidden among the contestants. No matter how good you are, the chances of winning against the prince are equal to the chances of becoming a princess in a fairy tell."

Li Lanni finally understood his implication. "So you are saying that the winner is already decided?"

"You catch up quickly. This is not the first time they are doing this and probably not the last and it has been profitable for them for many years. Lanni, my point is that you shouldn't hold your hopes too high. I'm afraid if you put your mind into it too much, you will end up in tears. It might even drive you to give up on your dreams."

He was not exaggerating. Although he didn't have anything to say about other companies' popularity strategies, he didn't like their way of doing things either.

Star Art International was a haven for artists. Drag any artist off the street and they will tell you that their dream is to be in Star Art International.

It was such a pity that the number of artists who had been forced to their bottleneck because they gave their all into similar competitions and still lost it was immense.

It was even easier for them to give up since most of those times, it was obvious that their pieces of art were much better than the winning paintings.