Second hypnosis

As expected in the next moment, a clang resounded as Ji Feifei's phone broke into the television. 

This was getting out of hand! Even Ruby was hanging up on her now. 

Li Lanni, you b*tch! Just wait for it. I will fry you alive. 

Madam Ji was unsurprisingly awoken by the chaos downstairs. Her husband didn't bother as he was pretty much used to his daughter's temper.

"Feifei, what happened this time?" Mrs. Ji rushed out of her room and asked in concern. 

Ji Feifei shed off her anger in an instant and jumped into her mother's arms, sobbing pitifully. "Mother, I've been wronged." 

Madam Ji patted her daughter's back, her heart breaking for her. "Hush...  Baby, don't cry. Tell mother who wronged you? Your mother will help you." 

"Who else could it be? It's a girl from my school. Her name is Lanni. She used all sorts of lies and tarnished my name through and through in school." She sighed, dramatically wiping the tears that had fallen in an instant. " Isn't it enough that she has ruined my life? I have been expelled already, but she..... why won't she let me off? I can't believe I once thought of her as my best friend." 

Mrs. Ji's heart melted when she saw her daughter crying pitifully. "Mother will definitely help you find justice. But... Lanni? Why does this name sound familiar?" She fell into deep thought, recalling where she had heard this name. 

Ji Feifei sneered in her heart. Forgetful old hag.... Li Lanni is the daughter of Li Yuming...Of course, she sounds familiar. Not to mention, Ji Xiehan was currently pursuing her. 

Heh. Li Lanni, I just created a new enemy for you. Are you grateful?"


Unaware of all the drama unfolding in the Ji family, Li Lanni slept peacefully in her room. Even if Li Lanni had known, she would have just shrugged it off.

That night she had a long dream. 

In her dream, a little girl held a pendant and ran to a man joyfully saying, "Daddy, daddy! Look, mommy gave this to me. Isn't it beautiful?" 

The man looked at the childish pendant. The picture on it was the cartoon version of the little girl. "Uhm. It's very pretty." 

"Daddy, help me put it on!" She said, her eyes full of stars from her joy. 

The man took the pendant from her small hands and helped her put it on, then added a compliment. "You look even prettier with it on." 

The scene suddenly changed, and again little girl appeared before the same man, looking shyly at him. "Daddy today, mommy taught me a dance." 

The man chuckled. "Really? Show to daddy." 

And so, the girl broke into animal dance moves. Because she was short and was wearing a bear onesie, she looked extremely cute and earned a cheer from him. "As expected, my Lanni is so talented. Come, daddy will reward you with a big hug." The girl broke into a peal of cheerful laughter and fell into his arms.

The scene changed yet again, and this time, the girl was bawling her eyes out. "Daddy, don't go.... please don't go. Please..." 

She kept crying and shaking her head, even kneeling and begging the man to not go. But all she saw was the back view as the man disappeared into the distance. 

Li Lanni suddenly woke up in a daze. The corners of her eyes were still wet.  The birds were chirping, and the sun was spilling through the curtains. It was a pleasant morning. A gentle wind through the opened window woke her up from a daze. The turmoil in her heart calmed down a bit.

'What was that all about?' She wondered. 

She knew that she would regain some of her memories through dreams, but this somehow didn't feel right. 

According to what her mother had said, her parents had a divorce soon after she was born. It wouldn't make any sense for him to leave when she was old enough to know what it meant. 

Also, in one of her memory fragments, when she was eight, the man had appeared before her in the guise of her mother's friend. But in her dream just now, she should be four or five. 

Urgh... why was it so hard to regain one's memory and comprehend one's past? 

Tossing her messy thoughts aside, she freshened up and went downstairs. 

It was the weekend, and she didn't need to go to school, but her homeschooling tutor would drop by in the afternoon. 

"You look pale. What happened?" Li Yuming was concerned when she saw her daughter listlessly coming down. Li Lianni saw her mother flipping through a fashion magazine.

She cheered up and hurried over, hugging her mother's arm. "Nothing mom, when is my next hypnosis session?" 

Li Lanni didn't realize it, but sadness flickered through Li Yuming's eyes for a second. She took in a deep breath and tousled her daughter's hair. "Are you rushed about it?" 

"Of course, I would be rushed. Ever since the last time, I haven't remembered anything. Even the school environment couldn't help me. I only keep feeling some familiarity with some people, but I can't remember who they are." 

Li Yuming kept her eyes glued to the fashion magazine, her other hand flipping it clumsily. "Don't be anxious about it. Didn't the Doctor say that being anxious would only make it more difficult?" 

"I'll try to be calm... but you didn't answer me, mom." 

"When you are ready, I will book an appointment with the Doctor. Can you get off me now?" 

Li Lanni pretended to be hurt and whimpered, "Am I that annoying?"  

But she was immensely happy. The only way to understand the situation was to regain her memory. 


Li Yuming was quite effecient, and the appointment was set for the next day. 

Li Lanni was a bundle of nerves and excitement when she entered the Doctor's office. It was the same Doctor Zhao who had hypnotized her the last time. 

"Hi, Li Lanni! How have you been?" Dr. Zhao asked her cheerfully.

"Hello, Dr.Zhao! I am fine."

"Are you anxious? You should know that you need to be calm for hypnosis to work." Doctor Zhao reminded her patiently when he saw her replying rigidly.