Lanni's past (2)

Obviously, Ji Xiehan was the only man who could get within ten steps of Li Yuming. 

Other mothers would be upset if someone pursued their nineteen-year-old daughter, but Li Yuming was, in fact, happy.

Don't get it wrong. She was only happy because the other person was Ji Xiehan. Anyone else would have been kicked out by her at the very least. 

"Xiao Han, do you have something on your mind?" Halfway through the meal, Li Yuming realized that Ji Xiehan seemed nervous. It must be for this reason that he came to have dinner with her. Especially since he came when Li Lanni wasn't home, it wasn't hard to make a guess. 

He smiled slightly. "Erm, yes. Aunty Li is sure attentive." 

Li Yuming chuckled a bit. She was a mother. Of course, she would know. "What is it? You can tell Aunty anything."