Is this how Star Art International treats guests?

"Miss, I will pay for the damages." The waitress said pitifully.

Li Lanni cringed from the waitress's overly pitiful expression. She had thought that it was an accident, but now she wasn't too sure anymore. 

She was starting to get annoyed, "You don't need to. Please excuse me." 

However, the waitress blocked her path. "Miss, I will feel really guilty if I don't pay for the damages." 

Li Lanni was starting to get irritated. Didn't she already say she didn't need to? She maintained her good mood, nonetheless, not wanting to bicker with a waitress. Besides, more guests were starting to look over. "You don't have to, really. I'm not going to blow up such a small matter, so can you please let me go?" 

The guests watching were even more impressed by Li Lanni's attitude. Most heiresses would kick up a fuss and demand exorbitant compensation if they had their clothes stained.