You have brains. Use them well

Ji Xiehan looked at her meaningfully.

"More cookies for you." She said as she went on her way, not willing to breathe the same air as this brazen man. She had had enough of his shamelessness.

Ji Xiehan grinned in satisfaction and quickly followed behind her, before making another demand. "Make them on different days, so it actually feels different." As soon as he said this, he felt like he was a three-year-old kid asking for several one-dollar coins because he thought they were more valuable than a ten-dollar bill. So he quickly coughed up an excuse, "Well, I'm only looking out for you. I don't want you getting tired." 

Li Lanni rolled her eyes at his theatrics. Baking cookies twice was less tiresome than doing it once? She turned to continue walking to the house. 

Ji Xiehan quickly ran after her. "That was just to thank me for driving you to the banquet. You haven't thanked me for driving you back."