Focus on your happiness

She calmed herself and rolled her eyes. Who knew how many women he had said those words to? She must be just one of the many. Yeah, that must be it!

He must think that she was naive enough to fall for such a meaningless talk. 

But although that was what she said, she couldn't deny that those words she found meaningless had made her heart race. 

As though her hands had brains of their own, she unlocked her phone and checked through her phone call data, completely forgetting about the novel she was supposed to read. 

Her phone was set to record every phone call automatically. The one that ended just now was no different. 

She replayed it on loop, almost shrieking every time she heard his voice once again. It sounded so seductive! 

Eventually, she fell asleep, cradling the phone like a baby and slipping into a sweet slumber. 
