Between the sheets

Li Lanni wondered whether Ji Xiehan had made some arrangements with the weather. Why did he look so happy because she had to stay over? 

Meanwhile, Ji Xiehan was secretly wondering whether fate had exclusively decided that they spend time together. It was a good thing, so he was overjoyed.  

To avoid making the kids feel awkward, Madam Ji had the maids prepare hot drinks for them; then, she dragged her husband away with her. The maids retreated quickly, too, after delivering the drinks.

Now it was just the two of them, a man and a woman, in the living room. 

There was nothing wrong with that, but Li Lanni couldn't help feeling conscious. 

Especially when she recalled the kiss they shared earlier... and the question he had asked her about where she liked to be kissed. Her heart bit quickened. She didn't need a mirror to know that her face was bright red as a tomato.