Interesting past

"Mom, Xiehan and I are going to Europe on Tuesday for one week." Li Lanni's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. 

She smiled at the great news. "Lovely! You guys have fun. What's your relationship now?" 

Li Lanni's cheeks flushed as she thought about what had transpired in the parking the previous night. "We're dating… I guess." That's what happens after a confession, right? 

Li Yuming uncontrollably pulled her into a hug. "Oh, I'm so happy for you! You blockheads finally decided to take things to the next step. I was starting to think I would have to pretend to be cupid and step in between the two of you. 

Li Lanni giggled at the thought of it. Her mother playing cupid? She might just invite Ji Xiehan for a meal and trick the two of them into Li Lanni's room, then lock them in and wait for them to do something interesting. "I'm glad it didn't get to that." 

Old Ji Mansion. 

Ji Xiehan went home for breakfast today.