A third eye

How could he forget about her? Ji Feifei had been thrown into jail and his parents neither did anything to stop that from happening nor to lighten the sentence. She wouldn't throw a fit by agreeing to sell her shares to the Ji family, would she? 

Li Lanni understood his concern and pondered over it a little. "Why don't you go and talk to her? Coax her a little. I don't think she would sell out the Ji family if she knew you still cared about herーit's her family too, after all."

"That's the thing. I don't still care about her, Lanni. I didn't even care to begin with." Ji Xiehan dismissed the idea. 

"Can't you just pretend for a bit?" Would that hurt?

"I can't." He said firmly. There was no way he was going to humor a woman who clearly wanted something different from being his sisterㄧsomething that clear-headed women would never want from their brothers. 

Li Lanni sighed with a slight shrug. "Then what are you going to do?"