You look in love

Later that day. 

Luna was in her room, busy typing codes on her laptop when the doorbell rang. Cheng Yu was already home so she was hesitant. Who could it be? Thinking that it might be that annoying fellow, Jiang Xingyu, she went to open the door. 

She was surprised, however, when she was who it was. "Lanni? Come on in." 

Lanni walked in and sat on the sofa, curiously looking at her sister. 

Luna brought her a drink and sat next to her. "Why are you scanning me like that? It's getting a little creepy." 

Lanni let out a small smile. "You look different. Are you in love?" 

Luna chocked on her saliva and coughed in a fit. What nonsense was her sister spewing? "You're the one who looks in love. You look so bright and cheerful."