Rats entering their own trap

Lanni froze in her tracks. She turned to look at the door and swallowed when she saw Li xiyan standing there, giving her a look of triumph. 

She sauntered in, her voluptuous hips swaying as she moved. She stopped in front of Lanni and Cheng Yu and looked down at then like she was staring at ants. "Look who we have here. Rats walking head-first into their trap." 

Lanni's eyes widened. Trap? This was a trap? Li Xiyan had tricked them into coming here? But how was that even possible? 

"Li Lanni." Li Xiyan's lips twitched then she burst into an evil laugh. "I didn't think we would ever see each other on earth. You're quite the phoenix, eh?" 

Lanni wasn't in the mood to argue with this psychopath. "Li Xiyan, what do you want?" 

"To settle scores with you. Can't you tell?" She guffawed. "Now that you willingly came here, do you think I would let you leave just like that?" 

Lanni took a deep breath. This was trickier than she thought.