You are too kind

Lanni hung up then exchanged looks with Xiehan and Lin Jian.

"I told you this was dangerous. No one ever listens to me." Lin Jian mumbled.

"Shut up." Lanni was annoyed. Who wouldn't do dangerous things to prove their sister's innocence? She was already guilty because she had dragged someone else into the danger. What she needed least right now was someone taunting her about it.

"What should we do now? If he has been caught, it's too late to run over there and rescue him." Lanni was running mad from worry.

Xiehan didn't know what to expect either. It was too far-fetched to hope that Li Xiyan would not see him. It was obvious why Li Xiyan went back. She must have realized that something was amiss with Xiehan hacking into her phone and sending a fake message to her bodyguards and henchmen. Even if that was not the case, it would still have alarmed her to come home and find no one guarding the door.