She is avoiding me

Meanwhile, in Li Yuming's villa.

Li Yuming dragged her feet around the kitchen as she prepared breakfast. Although she was cooking, her attention was elsewhere, so she ended up burning most of what she was cooking.

She sighed as she disposed of the burnt sunny side up eggs.

"I'll help you with that." A familiar voice suddenly interrupted her as a pair of hands reached to take the pan from her hand.

Li Yuming looked up happily then saw Luna. She smiled as she let her take the pan. "Luna, you're awake."

"I woke up a while ago. Good morning, Mum."

"Good morning my dear."

Luna felt a wave of happiness from what Li Yuming had just called her. So this was what children felt when their mothers called them honey, sweetheart and other sweet names for their children.

Her stomach grumbled so she took the ingredients and started cooking. She had woken up quite early today and started programming.