Little brother

Amid the dramatic tension, Lanni left for Germany the following day. Using the directions that Flynn sent her, she made her way to Galaxis Academy as soon as she arrived. She finally realized why she was unable to find anything related to the school in the past; it was too isolated with no building within several kilometers of its radius. 

There was no way to go to the school with Xiehan, so he had to stay as close to the premises as possible, which was a few kilometers away to avoid getting into trouble with those deplorable human beings. After nagging her to send him a signal if she encountered anything dangerous, he finally reluctantly let her go. 

Lanni was dropped off by a van that Flynn had sent to pick her up. When she arrived, she looked around at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment and had mixed feelings. She had once put in all her effort to be in this place...yet at the moment, all she felt was hatred and a tinge of fear. Would her dad really be okay?