Sister-in-law as cupid

The duo was still immersed in their kiss when they had a soft patter of footsteps and started, and Luna instantly pulled away from him. 

"Luna…" Jiang Xingyu called out in a complaining tone. He had not had enough. 

"Lanni just saw…" Luna couldn't bring herself to speak out the whole statement. Her image in her sister's mind must be ruined. "Besides, this is Lanni's place and…" 

Although she couldn't complete the second statement either, Jiang XIngyu understood what she was trying to say. She found it indicent to make out in someone else's house, especially since they were not alone. 

He looked at her, his eyes still full of passion as he asked, "Does this mean we can kiss more when we're alone?"

Luna shot him a glare. That was not what she meant, okay? 

Though, thinking back to the taste of his lips, she wouldn't mind… 

Xiehan finished cooking and lay the dining table. He then went to the living room. "The food is ready."