Too much into character

Lanni drove the low-profile car she had bought for convenience to the stylist's.

When she arrived, the stylist's assistant was already waiting for her.

"You must be Miss Jiang. Miss Wu is waiting for you." The cheerful assistant greeted, then led the way.

Lanni followed the lead to a grand styling room where the beautiful middle-aged woman was already waiting.

Since everything was ready, she did not waste time and had Lanni sit before starting to do her work.

"You mentioned that you want your hair dyed. May I ask which color you want?" Miss Wu asked as she massaged Lanni's scalp.

"Can I have the same color as this?" She pointed at the wig she had just taken off. The reason why she wanted to dye it permanently was because wigs were troublesome. If anything went wrong and it was discovered that she was wearing one, it would raise more suspicion to her identity.