Date (2)

"You really had a good time?" He thought she was only being courteous. 

"I did." She replied honestly. If she was being fair, her night couldn't have been any better. When she thought she might not make it, she had imagined that Jiang Xingyu would be angry, call her a heartless woman and send hundreds of text messages to berate her for wounding his pride—all without trying to find out what happened. 

She had also thought that he might not believe her reason for being late. Yet the man had surprised her once again. Not only was he not mad at her, he had also given her such a perfect night. What else could she possibly ask for? 

She leaned in and smacked a small kiss onto his lips—a sweet, innocent kiss. 

The man was surprised for a second then the tips of his ears turned red. He then snaked a hand behind her neck and kissed her deeply. 

When it ended, he wanted to help her out of the car and she couldn't bear to reject him, seeing his enthusiasm.