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The girls embraced for a while. After everything that had happened in the last few months, they truly deserved to be happy. 

Luna pulled away after a while, looking at her sister longingly. "There is one thing missing in all this." 

"Don't even mention it." Lanni groaned in defeat. 

"Are we really going to investigate what happened back then? Maybe then we can understand where the misunderstanding came from." 

Lanni thought about it and shook her head. "Luna, some things are merely catalysts. There may have been several underlying issues between them, including our grandma and all. Even if we were to solve this matter, who knows, another misunderstanding may simply appear between them." 

Luna was dissatisfied but it was true. 

"So, it is best to let them fight it out. Maybe then they will come to their senses and rekindle their love." Lanni concluded.