Doting husband

She slid off the bed but before she moved a step, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back onto the bed. 

"Don't leave, okay?" The man sleepily rubbed his eyes with the other hand. 

A smile escaped her lips. He looked like a clingy child hugging his favorite toy protectively. She forgot all about her negative thoughts and leaned over to press a kiss between his eyebrows. "I have something to tend to. I'll give you a call later, okay?" 

The kiss seemed to wake him up completely. He sat up, comprehending what she had just said. "You can freshen up and get ready; I'll prepare breakfast for you." 

"You don't need to." She waved her hands immediately. "Just continue resting… I'll buy coffee on my way." 

"No can do." He got off the bed insistently. "You will either forget to buy breakfast on your way or simply ignore it, and that's not good for your health."