Rotten luck

When the call ended, Xiehan glanced at Lanni who still seemed to be thinking deeply about something. "A penny for your thought?" 

Lanni retracted her gaze that was staring into space and smiled. "Nothing. I just thought her eyes were familiar but thinking about it, we shouldn't have met before." She looked at him and asked, "Is she your aunt from Australia, the one who brought you up?" She guessed, since they seemed to be as close as a son and his mother. 

"Yeah." She noticed that there was a fond gentleness in his eyes when he talked about her. She must have taken such good care of him, or else he would not be this close to her. "I wanted to tell you about her but then she called. Since the two of you already got to speak to each other, it saves me the trouble of having to tell you everything about her." 

She laughed when he sighed in relief. Was it so difficult to introduce someone?