Unconditional support

A smile escaped her lips thinking about it. If he really was seeing someone, then it would be for the best. He deserved to find happiness too, especially since both of his daughters were all grown up. She would be much busier soon and would not have enough time to pay him frequent visits. On the other hand, Luna was now about to become a mother and would be busy as well. He would be too lonely on his own. 

Even if the woman he fell in love with was not her mother, Lanni would still be happy for him. After all, Li Yuming had rejected him so coldly that it would be unreasonable for him to keep pining for her. 

Xia Hanchen noticed Lanni's line of sight and cleared his throat. Ignoring the scarf, he probed, "What were you saying?" 

Lanni tore her gaze from the scarf and decided not to say anything about it. "I applied for a job online." 

"You did? What kind of company?" He asked curiously, glad that he had successfully diverted her attention.