Movie night

"Do you have anything planned for this evening?" Lanni asked before another fireball of dogfood was thrown her way. 

Luna thought for a moment. "I'm accompanying Aunty Jiang to sew but that will not take long. I was thinking of calling you out for fun." 

"Perfect. In that case, why don't we watch a movie together? Xiehan's cousin is coming too." She suggested. She had already booked three tickets but Xiehan wasn't going along. 

Luna was surprised. "Xiehan has a cousin?" She has never heard of it. 

"Yes, and she is absolutely cute. You will definitely like her." 

"Count me in." Luna cheered. "My man is calling for me. Talk to you later, okay?" 

"Geez." Lanni patted her chest when the call ended. Just when she had thought that her sister would no longer display her affection, yet another bomb came charging at her. She should have shown off her love with Xiehan a little more when Luna was still single.