The unlucky man

That evening. 

Xiaoshi wanted to go over to the Old Ji Mansion to say hello to her aunt and uncle. Hence, Xiehan returned from the office earlier to drop her off. 

"Lanni isn't back yet?" He was surprised when he didn't find her at the apartment. The interview shouldn't take this long, right? 

Xiaoshi shook her head. "She sent me a text message a while ago and said that it might take longer than she thought." 

"I see. We can wait for her." Xiehan sat on the couch. Since he was going to the Ji Mansion, he should bring Lanni with him. It had been ages since they last went over and if he didn't bring her along, his parents would chew him out. 

"Speaking of which, is aunty getting along with Lanni? I heard someone say that she is very mean and hates her." Xiaoshi asked, curious and annoyed. How could anyone hate Lanni? 

Xiehan flicked her forehead. "Is your brain filled with nothing but gossip?"