Shocking coincidence

Lanni widened her eyes in disbelief. "How could that be?" 

"The evidence is right here." Xiehan showed her the text message he had recovered on Xiaoshi's phone. The cell phone number indeed belonged to Li Yuming. 

Lanni shook her head. "How could she do this? Wait. What would she even gain from having Xiaoshi get to Xingyu?" 

"You don't get it yet?" Luna laughed bitterly. "Mildest outcome, I would be so angry that I would wreck the banquet, and then I would turn into the joke of the entire city. 

Or, I will think Xingyu is playing around and break up with him. Or who knows, what if Xiaoshi really seduced Xingyu and he fell in love with her? What would happen to me then?" 

Lanni didn't know what to say. Just the fact that a mother could even want to do such a thing to her own daughter was shocking. 

"How dare she? I will kill her!" Roared a voice from the door, making everyone have a bad feeling.