
Cheng Yu was surprised when she heard Han Xiaoli's words. What did she mean?

Before she could ask, the woman on the screen directed her cold glare towards her brother. "Stay away from that treacherous woman, do you understand?" 

Cheng Yu couldn't hold it in anymore. "Excuse me, but do I know you?" Since they had never encountered each other, why was the other party accusing her of being treacherous and even asking her brother to stay away from her? 

It wasn't that Cheng Yu wanted to be close to Cedric, but there wasn't anyone who liked being called names so she waited to hear what the other party had against her. Alas, she merely harrumphed and hung up the call. 

Cheng Yu was not the only one who was confused, Cedric was too. He tried to give her a call to find out but the other had switched off her phone.