Can I say no?

"Can I say no?" Lanni joked. 

"Nope. I will trouble you even if you said no." Luna giggled like she would be the most annoying thing if she got rejected. After joking for a while, she got serious. "It's our company. I feel the exposure is a little too lacking." 

Lanni thought about it briefly. "Got it. I will try my best on my end, but I may need to interview you, Xiao Yu and Xingyu. Is that okay?" 

"It's okay for me." Cheng Yu agreed, then frowned a little. Would it make a difference? After all, she had zero popularity. Even so, she decided to trust Lanni's arrangement. 

"I'll ask Xingyu if he minds." Luna responded. Even though they were engaged, she was not going to use his name for publicity without finding out whether he was comfortable with it. 

"Tell me about it when he responds. I will schedule an interview for the three of you." 

"Thanks, sis." Luna hugged her gratefully.