I like you

"Yu, I…" He was troubled. Would it really be appropriate? 

"It will not be the first time." She shrugged. 

Now that he thought about it, it was indeed not the first time that they spent the night in the same room and on the same bed. However, the other times, there were other people in the house. This time, however, it would just be the two of them and that made things more awkward between them. 

He was just about to come up with an excuse about having work to do but when he thought about how painful her ankle must be, he couldn't bring himself to say no to her. He nodded in the end. "Okay." 

Feeling a little better, she freshened up and changed into a modest nightdress, then sat on the bed to have a chat with him. 

They talked about different topics, from drawing to international artists, then ended up talking about embarrassing and strange events in their past. Unknowingly, the topic of discussion eased into their future.