Ticking time bomb

Leaving the CEO's office, Lanni could not comprehend what she was feeling. She got a cup of coffee to calm her nerves before getting back to work.

In the evening, she went to The Star restaurant where Luna was already waiting. However, she was not on her own. At the table next to theirs, Cheng Yu and Cedric were exchanging infatuated smiles.

"It's a coincidence that Xiao Yu and her guy decided to have dinner here as well." Luna explained as Lanni sat down. It was not unexpected. After all, The Star Restuarant was widely known for its calm and romantic ambience. It was practically heaven for young couples and Cedric and Cheng Yu were no different. To be close to their friends but still have their own private conversations, they had chosen the that was just a few feet away from theirs.

"I'm hungry. Have you placed the orders yet?" Lanni's stomach grumbled just as she spoke.