It was me? How come I didn't know?

She couldn't help recalling what had happened at Luna's engagement banquet. She had thought that Li Yuming was so heartless as to want to embarrass her own daughter on such an important day but now that she thought it through carefully, what if the situation wasn't as it appeared?

What if the real culprit had been Xia Hanchen, and he maliciously framed Li Yuming to further alienate her from Luna, and make Lanni disappointed in her at the same time?

She was going crazy just thinking about it. To what lengths had this man gone? What an idiot had she been to never have realized a thing?

She snapped out of her thoughts to realize that he looked distressed. If this was in the past, she would have been worried about him. Although she didn't want to know what was going on in his mind, it would be suspicious if she didn't show her concern so she gently asked, "are you alright?"