I thought you were smarter than this

"Huh?" Xiaoshi probed, not understanding what he meant.

Instead of answering her, he pulled her to his side to close the distance between them, then pressed his lips against her soft cheek and it immediately flushed.

His thumb rubbed against the part he had just kissed as his other hand stroked her face before cupping it. He rubbed his finger against her lips which parted as her eyes slowly shut, her tongue itching to lick her lips.

With each passing second, she felt his face inch closer and closer to hers, then it stopped. The kiss she was anticipating did not arrive and when she opened her eyes, a grin surfaced on his face and he pulled away from her.

"You could have stopped me." He raised an eyebrow.

"What?" She was still disoriented from the mixture of incomprehensible feelings in her body, that had surfaced from his proximity. When she finally understood what he meant, her eyes narrowed in a frown. "That's so childish of you."