I love you

"I have a bad feeling." Ming stated when she and Qiao Linyou were done with their business and were on their way back home.

"Is this about Lanni again?" Qiao Linyou rolled her eyes with a scoff even before the latter could respond. "You are being too paranoid. I told you she is harmless."

Ming tiredly sighed. She didn't think so about Lanni. Otherwise, if people were supposed to be as harmless as they looked, Qiao Linyou would be innocent enough to be unable to swat a fly. But being the venomous snake that she was beneath her facade, it could only prove that looks were deceiving. "Wiat till she does something tragic, then you can tell me how innocent she truly is." she huffed in annoyance.

Cedric led Cheng Yu into the swimming pool, where they swam for the better part of the afternoon.

"I feel so drained." She flopped her backside onto the surface of the pool after competing three laps with him.