Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong

What was he doing here? Lanni knew from a glance that he must be here for business. Though she wondered, what would the Xia family have to do with weapon smugglers? She had thought that they only dealt harmful and illegal medicines. As expected, that family was much darker than it appeared.

There were many more dark secrets than one would ever expect, even though she had already anticipated it.

In the video. Xia Yuguang sat down opposite the man whose fake name was James, and exchanged a few words over drinks.

"Do you have the goods?" James asked as he lit a cigar, and Lanni turned on the recording function. It was here!

"Yes." Xia Yuguang glanced around.

"The room is safe." James let out a hollow laugh.

Taking it as a cue, Xia Yuguang took out a small bottle from his pockets and placed it on the table, making Lanni's eyes narrow. That had to be a drug. The Xia family was trading with James too?