Dog food for dinner

Xiehan was so excited when he went home that Wen Lin noticed him smile to himself once in a while.

"What's got you so happy?" She asked curiously, wanting to share her son's happiness.

"Come here, mother. I have good news." He pulled her over with a deep smile on his face, and Wen Lin sat down to listen. Even Ji Huifen, who was reading a magazine on the opposite side from them, peeked from the top of the large magazine and tried to listen in.

Wen Lin looked at her son and tried to guess what could make him this happy. Was Lanni expecting a baby?

If she learnt that she was going to be a grandma, heaven knew she would fly to the sky before coming down to brag about it to her circle of friends. Heaven knew that since Luna got engaged to Xingyu and everyone found out that they were expecting a baby, Xinghe had been walking on clouds.