Shameless (2)

"Xiao Yu is not that kind of woman." he scolded her.

"You have tortured her for so many years and tried to snatch her dreams from her. Just because she is successful despite everything you did, you want her back? How shameless."

"I'm her mother! So what if I claim her back when I want to?" The woman yelled, narrowing her eyes. "Besides, I did not make life difficult for her. I only taught her to be stronger. Look at her now. Isn't she strong enough? She is even the COO of such a great company at her tender age. What does that have to say about my training?" She shamelessly took credit for thisngs that she did not do, changing the tale from torture to training.

Not just Cheng Yu and Cedric, even the employees watching from the sidelines were baffled by her character.