Filling the void

"Congratulations on finally managing to get Ruby." Xingyu patted Lin Jian on the shoulder. "Did Xiehan give you the standard warning for brothers already? Do I need to say it on his behalf?" He teased Lin Jian.

The latter frowned as though he had received a huge blow. "I know, I know. I will not dare to do anything to hurt Ruby and if I do, you will beat the hell out of me."

"Don't tease my future brother-in-law." Xiehan spoke up for Lin Jian.

"You finally called me that! You finally acknowledged me." Lin Jian would have clung to Xiehan to hug him if the latter didn't glare at him. Never mind. As long as there was no one opposing their relationship. Ruby placed her fair palm on the back of his hand, making his heart melt in joy. "Why don't we grab some drinks to celebrate?"