Wedding night (1)

Lanni looked at her sister skeptically. Although Luna wasn't one to play dirty tricks, no one could be trusted tonight. They all seemed to have ganged up to make fun of her and Xiehan.

"Don't give me that look. You can spin the bottle." Luna waved her hands to signify that she was innocent. "If you want, I will not touch the bottle. Just in case you think I will deliberately target you."

"I see. But I would like to change the rules. Whoever spins the bottle gets to ask the question. Whoever answers the question takes the next spin." She suggested.

"As for the answers, to confirm their credibility, it has to be written down by whoever the question is about." She added after thinking about it.

This was more fair and less likely to be rigged, so the others agreed. Lanni twisted the centre of the bottle against the table and let it spin, crossing her fingers.

Luck was on her side because the mouth pointed at Luna.