Little devil (3)

Xiaoshi did not return to the master bedroom even after a couple of hours. Han Xichen went to check on dinner and found that she had already cooked. Warming the food up, he severed some of it to a plate and was about to take it up for her when she entered the kitchen. He placed the plate on the kitchen counter with a sigh of relief. "Baby,"

Under his nervous gaze, she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. He let out the sigh he had been holding as he pulled her to his chest. He had been holding her every night so it was barely noticeable before but now that he held her waist, he realized that she had lost weight.

He so badly wanted to slap himself. How could he make her so worried? She must have been under so much stress.

He was about to speak when she spoke first, pulling out of his arms. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to explode on you like that."