Good news

Lanni's hands flew to her gaped mouth. "You are pregnant?"

In response, Luna smiled as she rubbed her belly which was still flat. "It turned out, I was right to avoid wine when my period delayed. Though to be honest, I didn't really expect it either."

Lanni didn't hear her rambling. She enveloped her in a hug. "Congratulations! Again."

At the side, Xaiomu tried to mimic the word but was unable to because it was too complex, causing her mother and aunt to burst into laughter. Well, the main reason for their laughter was joy from the unexpected good news.

"Have you told anyone else about it?" Lanni asked. When Luna nodded, she looked overjoyed to be the first to know.

Luna smiled. "I'm sure they will know soon with how excited Xingyu is. He sounded like he could jump through the skies when I told him."