Moving on(1)

"You are right. I do need a shrink even though I don't want to admit it." She laughed out of the blue.

He stared at her worriedly. Was it time for him to call Han Xichen? Or could it be that he was in fact late and should have done it ages ago? He took out his phone.

She burst into tears and he was relieved. If she was willing to let it out, she would be alright. Even so, he sent Xiehan a text message to report her situation like a tattletale, just to be certain that she would not be left alone to fall into depression. He knew that was a stretch but he couldn't help being worried about it.


When she finally left work, she felt as though her head was on the verge of exploding. She had worked like a robot with a mission and wasn't certain that the articles she had approved were the best. If this continued, she would cause Lin Media Group losses so she gave Han Xichen a call as soon as she got out of the Lin Media Group building.