Pregnant (5)

Song recommendation: Still falling for you—Ellie Goulding.


Lanni grabbed Xiehan's hand under the table. He understood her gesture and squeezed hers. "On second thought, it's too early to think about names. We will do it at our own pace." He announced, so everyone went silent about the suggestions at the tip of their tongue.

She was not trying to keep them out of it. It just felt uncomfortable and for some reason, it was as if not everyone was happy with the news of her pregnancy. Was she being paranoid? She didn't know yet, but she couldn't afford to take any risk.

Wen Lin was friendlier, offering her more food every few minutes.

"Would you like some salmon? It's delicious." She offered, just a few minutes after letting her know that she had prepared too much chicken for Luna to finish on her own and that she should have some too.