A murderer's child (1)

"What do you mean by that?" Lanni's heart raced. Ji Meiling must be making up things to scare her, right?

Alas, the woman's expression was too realistic. She looked baffled by herself for letting out what she had just said and ended the call in a flash.

Lanni was left shocked and confused. Why would Xiehan kill her child? Was it something that happened accidentally?

She knew Xiehan well enough to be certain that he would never do such a thing on purpose but the point was, wasn't Xiaoshi the only child of Ji Meiling? Since when did she have a child that Xiehan apparently killed?

It was dramatic to imagine that someone probably messed with Xiehan and he ended their life, and they later turned out to be Ji Meiling's estranged child. It was no use speculating wildly on her own, so she decided to go upstairs and ask him.